Children in Care – Ciara

I’ve been in foster care since I was 9 years old. My life was not what you would call tragic before I came into foster care but there were certainly reasons for me needing to come into care. Since I have been in care I have lived with family and I have lived with foster parents. I’ve lived with people who I will forever keep close to my heart such as my current foster family. I have been living with a caring, loving family from the age of 12, I am currently 17 years old. My foster family treat me as if I am one of their own and I have felt loved, safe, happy and cared for since I arrived here.

When I was just a younger living back with my mum I didn’t get to feel any of the emotions that someone should growing up such as being cared for, love and happiness. These were never shown to me. I was not what you would call a perfect little girl. I didn’t get to learn everything like little girls should when they are growing up such as changing clothes, washing yourself and eating healthily. I hadn’t experienced any of that or even an education. I had a lot to learn and I did. I learned the basics, I’ve learned how to love, to care and to be happy. I always know that I am 100% safe with my foster carers and it’s important to feel safe.

As a child I was very overweight and wore a very large sizes in clothes. I always felt very insecure about myself and just knowing I was overweight made me feel constantly down in myself. In the space of just a year and a half with my foster family I lost a large amount of weight and I really felt amazing and was no longer ashamed of who I was or how I looked. I started to care more about myself and always put the effort in along the way thanks to the help given to me by my foster carers.

Being in foster care has completely changed my life. I feel wanted, loved and I know that I will always have my foster family by my side. I’ve been given some lovely things, had some amazing experiences and I am just so grateful for everything they have done. I know not everyone in foster care has the same experience but I am so grateful for everything my foster family has done for me.

Sometimes life can be tough but you just got to get up and get on with it, focus on the good and not the bad.

If you would like to hear from some of our Foster Carers, you can click here. If you are ready to speak to one of our Fostering Advisors call us at any time on 01-4171944 or fill in the contact sheet on the right of this page and we will get in touch at time that suits you.

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