Why Do Children Need Foster Care?

In Ireland, there are currently over 6,000 children and young people in state care and almost 90% of these are living with foster carers. There are all sorts of reasons why children need foster care. Sometimes it is because of a family illness, relationship problems, family breakdown or a situation where their welfare is threatened. Many children will have experienced neglect and physical, emotional or sexual abuse. All will have faced loss and separation from their birth family.

Supporting Foster Care Placements

Their life experiences may cause children and young people in care to express their feelings in a number of different ways. Some may display outbursts and others may find it difficult to build trusting relationships with adults. These children need a safe home for a while or, in some cases, until they are old enough to live independently. Growing up in care is not easy, but our foster carers are there to help these children when they need it the most. We provide foster carers with a comprehensive range of support to enable them to meet the needs of children placed in their care.

Make an enquiry

Whether you wish to ask for additional information or whether you wish to start your journey to become a foster carer our team is happy to help.

Information provided will only be used for the sole purpose of contacting you in relation to fostering. For more details about how we use your data, please see our privacy notice here
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Start your journey

Fill in your email address below to get your journey with FFI started.

Information provided will only be used for the sole purpose of contacting you in relation to fostering. For more details about how we use your data, please see our privacy notice here
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