Children in Care – Joseph

Prior to coming into care Joseph (Joe) was in the care of his grandparents following the untimely death of his mother in 2011, he was 7 years old. Joe’s mother was an active drug user and he would have witnessed her substance abuse while in her care. Joe started using drugs aged thirteen when he started secondary school, he would say ‘to numb the pain of his mother’s death’. He was caught smoking Cannabis in his school, was suspended and he then refused to go back. Joe experienced emotional abuse and neglect by his grandfather who had no understanding of his emotional and mental health needs. In 2019, Gardai raided the family home and found a quantity of Cannabis which Joe was holding for local drug dealers; he presented himself at the Garda Station voluntarily and Gardai issued a formal warning. Following this incident, Joe’s grandfather said that he could no longer live there and as a result, he became homeless at fifteen.

Joe was placed with FFI foster carers, Paul and Rita in October 2019. They turned out to be the perfect match for him. Paul, a retired Garda, possesses a deep understanding and empathy for those groomed into criminal activity at a young age and Rita’s warm, fun loving and nurturing personality was an extraordinary match for Joe.  Having been out of school for a long time, with some patience and perseverance from his foster carers, Joe returned to school and is now in third level education.

Defying all odds, Joe was nominated for an award by his Key Worker in the Garda Youth Diversion Project in the Special Achievement Award Category (Overcome difficult circumstances, defied all the odds and whose commitment deserves recognition). He very deservingly received the Garda Youth Award and at the awards ceremony, the Superintendent stated ‘Yours is a most fantastic achievement, when you came from Dublin, this must have seemed like a strange place! But you excelled and are an absolute credit. You have been through very difficult circumstances but are constantly moving on and improving. You are an inspiration to young people’.

In addition, Joe was later honoured at the National Garda Youth Awards – receiving a Special Achievement Award at the Garda Youth Awards 2022. Joe still lives close to his foster carers and is in third level education studying Business as well working part time in the local petrol station.  He was commended for his resilience and his story is a fantastic example the success possible for young people in care, foster carers and for the multiple agencies involved on his journey. 

If you feel you could make a difference in the life of a young person like Joe, we would love to hear from you. Get in touch today via our enquiry form on the right of this page.

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