Post Primary Education Resources
Khan Academy. not specifically targeted Irish schools, but course content is among the videos and well worth checking out for any level.
Quizlet – easy to use platform to make their own flashcards. Free version covers enough.
Dublin Academy of Education
Dublin Academy of Education on YouTube vidoes on many topics. More subjects being added, as well as study tips, podcasts, etc. also
Exam Learn. set up by recent school leavers, free to sign up, access videos (on YouTube also) and tips for Junior and Leaving Cert.
UCD Maths have videos for Leaving Cert Maths at both higher and ordinary level. for free access to e-books and digital resources. These books might be used by some schools:
Junior cert username: jcedcobooks, Password: edco2020
Leaving Cert username: lcedcobooks, Password: edco2020 – are offering free study resources for a month. Register and use the coupon STUDYHELP when you go to pay. This provides one month free membership and students can then unsubscribe from this offer after the month. All main subjects for Junior and Leaving Cert covered.
Elevenses with the World of David Walliams
On the website (soundcloud) and live on his Facebook page every morning at 11am you can listen to one of David Walliams World’s Worst Children stories