Why I’m still a Foster Carer with Fostering First?
Foster families come in all shapes and sizes. They all have a passion to make a difference in the lives of children and young people, to keep them safe and to offer them somewhere safe to call home for no matter how long they may need it.
Fostering First was founded in 2005 – Some of our very first carers are still with us 17 years later, in fact, over 50% of our foster families are currently fostering over 5 years and 33% are fostering over 10 years.
We asked some of our most experienced carers for their thoughts on fostering and why they are still fostering after so many years.

Fostering makes a life changing difference to thousands of children across Ireland. At Fostering First, we pride ourselves in the support we offer our carers to help them do what they do best, offering a safe and secure home and guiding the young people in their care to reach their full potential.
If you feel that now is your time to foster, we would love to hear from you. For more information or to start your fostering journey, complete the enquiry box on the right of this page or email our Fostering Advisor Jess (Jessica.Mooney@ffi.ie) at a time that might suit.