Spring Newsletter – Social Work Update

North Team Update.

It was great to get together for the Carers party in the Killeshin Hotel in November and lovely to celebrate with many carers receiving their 5, 10 and 15 year awards: Jennifer and Kevin Mulderrig – 5 years; Colum and Bernie Gavin – 10 years ; Kevin and Lucy Flynn – 10 years; Roseita and Vincent Hamilton – 10 years; Liza and Darren Mc Cormack – 10 years ; Gerry and  Josie Toner – 10 years; Sam Farrell – 15 years. Well done everyone and thank you for all that you do on a daily basis.

We bid farewell to some longstanding foster carers who have retired recently, Sarah and Tony Mc Gowan and Jackie Conteh. We have thoroughly enjoyed working with and learning from you over the years. We remain thankful for the love, nurture and empathy you have shown to all the children and young people you welcomed into your homes.

As a team we have experienced some changes over the last period. In September we welcomed Linda Roddy Link Social Worker to the team, covering the Louth/Meath/Dublin region. In November, Claire Lohan Team Manager went on maternity leave and I took up the post of Acting North Team Manager. Lisa Clarke then joined us in November as Link Social Worker to the Northwest region. We are delighted to have Linda and Lisa join the team. Both come to FFI with extensive experience and expertise. We are very lucky to have you both on the North Team. We have some baby news as Claire Lohan welcomed the newest addition to the Lohan family, baby Maisie after Christmas.

It’s been a busy time with exam results and supporting young people and birth children to reach their independence. Congratulations, we are so proud of you all. I will finish by extending a very warm welcome to Fionnuala O’ Loughlin, our newly approved foster carer in Offaly, we wish you the very best as you commence your fostering journey.

We look forward to meeting up throughout 2024 at carer groups, FFI events, trainings and making memories together.

Take care,


Mid Team Update.

As you know, we previously had three different social work teams covering the country. For 2024 we are (temporarily) moving back to two teams due to Helen McGuire leaving the company. We are all very sad that she is gone but happy for her in her new role. Here in the Mid team are happy to welcome Anthony Murphy and Valerie Horgan to the team, Mary Adams will be supporting them in their work with their carers in the South part of the country. We all continue to be very passionate about providing high quality support to all of our foster carers and looking forward to another busy year full of challenges and delights!

We have been delighted to welcome some new carers in our area including the Youngs, Thorntons, Smyths and Conlons. We are also looking forward to welcoming new carers in Carlow, Wexford, Dublin and Kildare in the coming months. We know you will all be happy to have new faces in the carer groups and will continue to offer the wisdom and support gained over the years.

The Mid team had a lovely success story recently. Two of the link social workers Elaine and Margaret were involved in a positive transition plan for a very small child between FFI foster carers. This involved some very careful and skilful transition planning, matching considerations and a willingness of two very child centred households. The carers worked very closely together for 11 days to facilitate this move, to help this child build a level of familiarity and develop new attachments through daily visits to each other’s respective homes- which were counties apart. The time, love and care that went into this plan from both families and social workers in the background is testament to our shared value and commitment to the best outcomes for children. This little one is thriving in her new family and has maintained a relationship with her previous family. Every ending in foster carer is hard for everyone involved, but this like many, was done with love and set in train a positive new beginning. 

There was great fun had at the carer party in November. There was a huge turn out of foster carers and staff. Everyone had a great time and the dancing went on late into the night. Already looking forward to it this November!

And whilst there is always busyness ahead this year for us all, we have some lovely plans to look at carer wellbeing and incorporating it into our carer groups to keep us focused on minding ourselves through it all.

So, 2024, lets go…..


Make an enquiry

Whether you wish to ask for additional information or whether you wish to start your journey to become a foster carer our team is happy to help.

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Information provided will only be used for the sole purpose of contacting you in relation to fostering. For more details about how we use your data, please see our privacy notice here
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