Fostering First and Key Assets Consulting 2023 Annual Report

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Fostering First Ireland and Key Assets Consulting are thrilled to publish our combined 2023 Annual Report, a detailed overview of a positive year for both companies. This report reflects our continued unwavering dedication and commitment to serving children, families and communities through our collective services in collaboration with our partners in Tusla.

10 Questions with FFI Carers, Steven and Gareth.

Tell us about yourselves? We are Steven and Gar, we live in Tallaght. We are both in our early 40s and are fostering with FFI since 2020. When & why did you decide to foster? We began exploring the idea of fostering about 6 years ago. We decided to look into fostering for a number […]

Spring Newsletter – Care Day 2024

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On February 16th we had the chance to celebrate all of the wonderful young people in care by marking Care Day 2024. Care Day was established to celebrate the positive experiences and contributions of children and young people in care or with care experience. This year’s theme is ‘I am what I choose to become.’ […]

Spring Newsletter – Education Update

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Children in primary school are showing to be struggling more and more with some aspects of educational attainment. This may have been accelerated by the pandemic over the last three years, with periods of missed school learning opportunities. But, there is more to the picture, like a jigsaw puzzle there are many things that impact […]

Autumn Newsletter – Social Work Update

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North Team Update. Hi everyone, I hope you had an enjoyable and relaxing summer with a break from usual routines and with lots of quality time spent together.  We have had a nice summer here in the North (despite the weather!) and are looking forward to getting back to our groups. As you know the […]

Autumn Newsletter – Directors Update

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Hi everyone, Here we are again in the Autumn season😊 It is a time of year I love with beautiful colours on the trees and while the nights are getting longer, winter is still some way off. I have had the pleasure of visiting some Carer Groups this month and the feeling was definitely that […]

Recruitment Team Update – September 2023

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Dear carers, I hope you are well and enjoyed the summer break, despite the weather! Recruitment has seen an unexpected surge in activity this summer. Despite the usual lull in July and August, we have experienced a high number of enquiries, home visits and started a number of new assessments. We are delighted to see […]

Young People’s Update – Autumn 2023

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Chatter Matters Our young people’s forum Chatter Matters meets every month online and in-person during school breaks. It is a great opportunity to meet other young people in care and give us your ideas and suggestions about things we can do for young people in Fostering First. We have two groups, one for 12-14 year […]

Social Work Teams Updated – September 2023.

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South Team Hi Everyone, I hope everyone enjoyed the summer break and got to spend time together with your families. We have had a nice summer here in the South and are looking forward to getting back to our groups in September. We have had a few young people across our group who are nearing […]